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 Durable Runners Strength Class 

 In Portland Maine 

Person squatting a barbell in a squat rack in the Equipment Room at Steady State.


Mondays at 6am and 6:30pm

Thursdays at 6:00pm

Fridays at 6 am

How long: 

50 minute class, with optional bonus at the end


  • Drop in rate of $22/class
  • 5-pack of classes for $95 ($19/class)
  • 2x week monthly membership $120 ($15/class)


If you’re interested in purchasing a package of visits, please reach out to us at

Otherwise, the $22 drop-in rate will apply when booking.

Overview of the Class

"Durable Runners" is a strength-focused class designed to help runners build strength and reduce injury risk. The class includes exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and cleans, performed with and without barbells. A 5-15 minute warmup will be included, but participants are encouraged to arrive warmed up if they are concerned about injury risk.

Our Commitment

At Steady State, we are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all participants. Our primary goal is to help runners build strength, reduce injury risk, and foster community. Disruptive behavior that detracts from this supportive atmosphere will not be tolerated, and participants engaging in such behavior may be asked not to return, without refund.

Strength Coach

Brady Fluet

Brady is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and also holds his Crossfit L 1 certification. Brady started lifting when he was 8 years old, with many inspiring performances. He has impressively been able to balance strength and endurance in his training - which is something that many runners would also benefit from!