It happened. You've experienced an injury, and now the sport that used to bring you joy has become f...
The Active Maine Blog: Running & Living Inspired
Beyond the Six-Pack: How to Optimize Core Engagement with the Transverse Abdominis
The transversus abdominis is a critical muscle for core stability and overall strength. Located in t...
One of things that helped me the most going into birth was listening to positive birth stories - whi...
We have a bunch of great colleague friends throughout the country - and we thought it'd be great to ...
“Why Don’t You Take Insurance?”
I wanted to express a huge thank you to all of you who participated in, volunteered at, crewed, or c...
Heel-Striking: Is It Really Bad for You? Cadence for Runners
There are numerous running myths out there and many of them are related to running form. Probably th...
Your IT Band SHOULD be Tight!
Iliotibial Band (ITB) syndrome is the most common cause of outer knee pain in runners. Despite the u...
The Injury Buffer: Why So Many Runners are Chronically Injured
70-80% of runners develop a running-related injury every year. This number is staggering and there a...